I caught this guy right as it got dark. I tried and tried, but it wouldn't stay still
for its photo op., so I put him back in the water and made the 1/2 hour walk back to my truck in the dark with a dim headlamp.
I stayed at Mom and Dad's that night. When I woke up, I had the wonderful opportunity to experience a Jan & Marg vacation by washing the exterior windows of the house. They treated me to lunch at Tsing Tao. Jan stole most of Marg's shrimp and got a good scolding. He then continued his raid by stealing mom and my fried rice.
Katy came up the day before with her mom and sister and went to Ikea and got some baby stuff. I met Katy and the Fetzers at the condo in Deer Valley. We headed to the pool and then we played a game of hearts; Five way with all the queens. We only got thru one set of passes. But I won with an easy lead.
The next day, Katy, Sam, Jake, and I went to Park City Mountain Resort and the boys and I went down the alpine slide
and the alpine coaster. The alpine coaster was a blast!!!
That night we attended Katy's Cousin's wedding reception at the Red Pines Lodge at the top of the Gondola at The Canyons. I had been up on this mountain over a 100 times during the winter when I had a season pass two years and from working the winter of 2002 as a lifty. It looks a lot different in the summer.
Mary and I got into a photography war on the way up the Gondola.
This is the view from the gondola half way up. I always loved to here the tourists gasp as we crossed this ravine during the winter. It's even further down without the snow!
Katy looks lovely in her Prego-nut dress.
The next day, we went to the "Pine's Ranch" cabin outside of Oakley, UT and enjoyed the outdoors. I fished the Smith Morehouse that runs behind the cabin. This stream has always eluded me. But I finally caught a fair amount of fish!
I love how beautiful Brook Trout are. I only caught three of these guys, this one was the biggest. The rest of the trout were Cutthroats. It was a great day. We ended the night playing "Wizard" around the table at the Deer Valley Condo. I loss by five points to Jake. But a close second ain't bad.
We were sad to have to leave Deer Valley. But at least we got to stay the whole time, which was a first. I headed to Sandy early Monday morning to take the Bachelors SSW exam. I finished the 170 question test in a little over two hours and passed with an 82%. I was worried if I would pass, but once I got into the test, it went smooth.
We headed to Payson after a quick stop to Barbaccoa for lunch and Babies R Us for some baby goodies. That night, we had a family baby shower and Katy and I got even more baby stuff. Everything we got that night, we needed. It was great. Thank-you so much for all your generosity. Katy, Connor, and I truly appreciate it.
We went to "License to Wed" that night, which turned out to be a cheesy, sappy movie.
The Family visited Tsing Tao again, and Jan kept his sticky fingers holstered. The next morning, Katy and I baked in the sun on the drive back to Cedar City. We spent the rest of the day in front of the cooler in the living room, trying to recover from the drive.
I love the recap of your vacation, sounds like Deer Valley was a lot of fun. It was great seeing you guys, I hope we see you again soon. Katy looks so cute pregnant and you are so cute preparing for fatherhood. Love you guys!Guardian Contact Form
Departure City Arrival City
Boise, Idaho Los Angeles, California
Flight Departure City Arrival City Seats
Horizon Air
2389Y Boise (BOI)
5:00 pm Sun, Jul 15 Los Angeles (LAX)
6:30 pm Sun, Jul 15 18D
Child Traveler Name Age
Talyon Perry 10
(This section to be completed at the airport.)
Request for Carriage
I, the undersigned Guardian of the minor [Child Traveler(s)], agree to and request Unaccompanied Minor Service for the minor and certify that the information I am providing is accurate. I confirm that I have arranged for the minor to be met upon arrival by the Guardian(s) named below. Should the minor not be met as stated below, I authorize the carrier(s) to take whatever action they consider appropriate to ensure the minor safe custody, including returning the minor to the airport of departure. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the carrier(s) from and against all claims resulting from taking such action and to reimburse the carrier(s) for any reasonable costs incurred in taking such action.
I, the undersigned, have read and understand the Rules for Children Traveling Alone.
Departure City Guardian: _____________________________ _____________________________ ___/___/___
(Printed Name) (Signature) (Date)
City (Airport) Guardian Name Primary Phone Alternate Phone
BOI Andy Perry 541-786-2473 541-962-7096
BOI Howard Perry 541-963-4925 541-786-1409
LAX Jana Perry 949-888-6065 949-742-6065
LAX Brad Perry 949-295-3687 949-888-6065
(This section to be completed at the airport.)
SSR Verified CSA Emp. #:
Boarding CSA Emp. #: Boarding Flight Attendant Emp. #:
Arrival CSA Emp. #:
Arrival City Guardian: ____________________________ ____________________________ ___/___/___
Valid Photo I.D. Required (Printed Name) (Signature) (Date)
Special Needs
(For more than one Child Traveler, please include names and special need information for each child.)
sorry I don't know what all that other stuff is or how it got attached to my comment.
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